Friday, May 25, 2012

Looking Back

 Today was the 'Goodbye' assembly for the seniors at Nicole's school.   In this assembly all of the Student Body Officer's remove their jackets one by one. Each officer is wearing a t-shirt underneath their jackets that has the logo of the college or university where they will be moving on to.

I should have known that it was going to be a tear jerker- and I forgot to put Kleenex in my purse.   It was bad!
At the beginning of the assembly as I watched the cheerleaders perform, it brought back memories of sitting in the stands game after game, watching Nicole perform with that huge smile on her face.  I remember her trying out for cheer and being so excited for her to be involved in such a fun way in high school.
I had no idea at the time that she would go on to do even more than cheer at Copper Hills High.  Student Government became her passion.  It has been so fun as a parent to watch her grow in her leadership abilities, to learn to speak out and stand up for things she feels strongly about.  She has left quite a legacy and some big shoes to fill (even though she has the tiniest feet ever!)

After the assembly she was a mess.  But so were her parents.  I love this picture because it shows that even her daddy got a little teary-eyed.
We sure love this girl and are so proud of who she has become.  We're so excited to see what her future holds as she heads off to Snow College and throws herself into being an Ambassador.  I'm sure she'll be just as busy as she has been this year- if not more.  But it's all good.  And now it's time to look forward to what lies ahead!


  1. It's crazy how time flies huh?! Nicoley is amazing! And she will do wonderous things in her life! I love you all!!

  2. So crazy she is graduated! I still remember - like so vividly - sitting in our sacrament meeting and seeing you guys sitting on the right of the chapel and her little bald spot on the back of her head and thinking to myself how much I wanted to babysit her and get to know you guys! So many awesome memories all along the way!

  3. Loved reading this post! She has accomplished so many things in her life already. She really has left some big shoes to fill. It's cute that her daddy was feelin the moment with her. Whether they realize it or not yet, those people at SNOW are so lucky to have her!
