Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day Six- Sunshine in my Soul Today!

Stormy weather is just around the corner. The sunny warm days are quickly coming to an end. So today, I am thankful for one last sunny, warm morning. Today's sunrise was especially beautiful!

A special note to Mr. Sun,

Please don't be a stranger. Know that you are welcome to enter through my windows any day of the week. Don't feel silly if it's the middle of Winter and you want to warm things up a bit down here. It may be unusual, but certainly not improper. Don't be afraid to mix things up a bit. I will welcome you with open arms!

See you soon?



  1. Today has been a beautiful day!

  2. We actually had a great fall this year! Great temps, perfect for light jackets and scarves. Leaves slowly turning color. Sad that we know at sometime it must come to an end.

  3. Yes Mr. Sun you are especially welcome to show your shining face 1st thing in the morning when we take our morning walk.
