in a perfect world, I would look out in my backyard and see flowers instead of weeds...
in a perfect world, the just mopped floor, would stay shiny and clean for more than fifteen minutes...
in a perfect world, we would never run out of milk...
in a perfect world, morning walks with your friend would burn twice the calories than when you just walk on the treadmill by yourself (come on! all the talking has to add up to some serious calorie burning, right?)...
in a perfect world, mom's and dad's would not have to say goodbye to their sweet babies. Never, never, never...
in a perfect world, dust just wouldn't exist!...
in a perfect world, all my mail would be letters from friends instead of bills from strangers...
but if it were a perfect world,
I wouldn't enjoy my flowers as much,
wouldn't appreciate the fact that Nicole mopped the floor for me,
wouldn't have had to do a milk run and therefore would not have been able to let a gentleman go ahead of me in line so he could hurry back to work (he was on his lunch break and was buying a bouquet of flowers for heaven sakes!),
I might not have to walk in the mornings as often- missing out on 'talk therapy',
there wouldn't be funerals to remind you of how precious life is and reminders to hug your children a little longer,
there would be no reason to pick up a picture and reminisce while you dust it,
and you just wouldn't appreciate the letters from friends you get in the mail as much (thank you Tiff!).
This morning, I may have started my day dreaming of a perfect world, but as the day goes on, I am grateful for the imperfect world that I get to be a part of.