Thursday, April 8, 2010


Look who is six today!

Six is a wonderful age to be.

Here are six very important things in this six year old's life:

1- Losing another tooth
2- Riding his bike
3- Having friends who are 'nice'
4- Owning every single action figure sold at Target
5- Being the first kid to the kindergarten playground each day at school
6- No butting in line

Oh to be six!

Happy Birthday little man!


  1. Awww! Happy Birthday, Ian! (Loved that list.)

  2. Becky! I am such a bad friend, shame on me! This is the first time I have came & looked on your blog! I thought that you still were on some different website & didn't realize that you had actually started a blog! Where is my brain sometimes? I finally clicked on your name on one of my comments from you on my blog & it led me here. What a cute cute blog! I have loved getting caught up on your life! I have been thinking about you & Nicole a lot lately. I miss you! Maybe we should get together & catch up in "real life"? I am always up for some dinner & shopping! Tell Nicole I say Hello! :)

  3. Hi Laura!!!! (: Shopping sounds absolutely delightful!!

  4. Happy Birthday my baby brother!
