Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Happy Place

You know when you are about to have some horrible procedure a root canal or an exam on your nether regions (ladies you know what I mean)? The kind of procedure where you just close your eyes and hope and pray it is over soon? The kind that you try to visualize your happy place so that with the help of your mind, you can escape your current reality?

I'd like to introduce you to mine.

This is my happy place. It's a little off road campsite in Daniel's Canyon.
My family, the Adamson's, have camped at this spot for many years. My great-grandfather was a sheep herder and this is one of the spots where he would bring his sheep. Every year, over Labor Day weekend, we have a family reunion here.

I have so many happy memories spending my last days of summer with my cousins, riding motorcycles, putting on 'shows' around the campfire at night and discovering all the family names carved on the trees.
There is a breathtaking mixture of aspen and pine trees.

One of my favorite sounds is the sound of a gentle breeze passing through the aspen trees. There is nothing more relaxing to me than that sound.
My favorite hike is this one, were one minute you are among the aspen trees and the next minute you are in the cool and dark forest of pine trees.

I took a few pictures along my hike this year that hold special memories for me.

Our kids had a great time this year making memories of their own.

It's one of those places that holds so much hidden beauty.
But when you are there, time just somehow slows down so that you can notice it all.
So if I'm ever in a coma or just have a far off look on my you know where I'll be. :)


  1. Mmmmmm, thanks so much for taking me to your happy place today!

  2. You didn't mention that you guys didn't spend the night especially the second night to freeze:) It was fun to see you guys though!
